Friday, June 6, 2014

Summer Vacation!

Last week I told you all I was going on vacation, and since I promised to show you pictures, here they are!  We went to New York City for a few days before sailing on a cruise ship to Bermuda.  It was a wonderful trip!

The ball in Times Square.  It's a lot smaller in person!

We also visited Rockefeller Center, 5th Avenue, and Central Park.

We at lunch at Carnegie Deli one day.  Look at the size of this sandwich! They were all that big!  Note to self: If I ever go there again, one sandwich can easily feed four people!

All to soon we said goodbye New York and were on our way to Bermuda!

 Here we are enjoying our first dinner together on our ship, the Norwegian Breakaway.

Of course we had to go to the beach while we were there!  We found our own private cove to enjoy.

The water here is so incredibly beautiful.  I wanted to take it all back with me!

We also visited Crystal Cave near St. George's.  It always amazes me to see such incredible natural structures. 

A view from the streets of St. George's.

Again, this water.  I love it.

We found working old fashion telephone booths!  Finding items such as these in the 21st century is really exciting to me.

These are just a tiny tiny handful of the pictures I took and the memories I made while in Bermuda.  I hope all of you are having a wonderful summer- you deserve it!

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