About Me

Hi everyone!
            My name is Lindy and I am currently a freshman at Purdue University (Boiler Up!) studying hospitality and tourism management.  What inspired me to choose that career?  For one thing, I love food!  I really enjoy cooking, and a lot of what I will share with you are tips and tricks I learned from my mom and grandma.  However, being in college limits my food options to dining court food and ramen noodles.  While both can be good in moderation, every so often I get a real hankering for home cooked food and the ability to experiment in the kitchen.
            Which is what brought this blog into existence.  I wanted to find a way to cook my own food not only for the times when I got tired of eating cafeteria food, but let’s face it, it’s a good way to make a lot of friends.   However, cooking in a dorm has several challenges of its own.

1.     Limited space.  Not only is the kitchenette small, the dorm room isn’t super spacious either.  I don’t have the room to store all of the ingredients and equipment I would like to use.  For example, I don’t want to buy a whole 5 pound bag of flour to use just ¼ cup in a recipe.

2.     Limited time.  While being in college gives you more free time, it seems to fill up very quickly.  I don’t want the recipes to take too long to make, and I also don’t want there to be too many dishes to clean!

3.     Money!  As a poor college student, I don’t have the money to buy pine nuts for $20 a pound. 

4.     I wanted the recipes to be quick, easy, and semi healthy (some of the time) if for no other reason than to assure my mom that I wasn’t just eating French fries and cookies at every meal.  But the most important thing is that they must be delicious!

So keeping these things in mind, I’m on a quest to find college friendly recipes that will satisfy those late-night cravings and help you make a few friends along the way.  Here's to a future of inevitable failures, successes, late night study parties, and countless memories.  Cheers!

1 comment :

  1. Awesome!!! You are amazing!! So glad you have "jumped in with both feet," and are making the most of your college experience!
