Friday, February 21, 2014

Reese's Stuffed Cookies

I know a lot of people with birthdays in February and early March.  My grandpa’s birthday was last week, and this week is the birthday of 2 of my good friends, my dad, and my sister!  In an attempt to celebrate everyone’s birthday this week, we’re making Reese’s stuffed chocolate chip cookies.  You could use any candy bar, really.  Snickers, Milky Way, or straight Hershey’s chocolate would be great, too.  I like using Reese's because I like the saltiness that the peanut butter adds to the otherwise sweet chocolate chip cookie. 

What you need:

1 roll chocolate chip cookie dough
About 10 mini Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, depending on how many cookies you make

What you do:
Preheat the oven to 350°F.  Slice cookie dough into 1/2 inch slices and arrange on an ungreased cookie sheet.  Place a (unwrapped) Reese’s cup on top of each cookie.  Completely cover each Reese’s cup with another slice of cookie dough.  You may be able to get away with a slice that is smaller than the base, but just make sure you cover the candy.  As you can see, mine don’t look super pretty, but they’re just going in the oven anyways. 

Bake for 10-12 minutes or until cookies have set and are brown on the bottom, but are still soft in the middle, because gooey chocolate chip cookies are one of life’s greatest pleasures.

 Enjoy warm with a tall glass of milk.  Happy birthday to my lovely friends and family!

You can also find the recipe here on a great blog, The Comforts of Home!


  1. Simple and easy to prepare!

    Coming from Mix it up Monday! Visit me on my blog!

  2. These sound fantastic! Thanks for linking up to Tasty Tuesday!
