Saturday, March 1, 2014

Cheesy Pesto Pull-Apart Bread

Yes, you read that right.  Three of life’s greatest gifts are combined into one glorious dish: bread, pesto, and cheese.  It’s all quite simple, yet the finished product tastes amaaaaazing.  My friends and I polished off an entire loaf in one sitting even after we had eaten dinner.  No shame.

What you need:

1 Loaf Italian bread
1 3.5 oz jar of your favorite pesto
About 1C shredded cheese, but the more the better!  A shredded Italian mix would be great.
I used a combo of Asiago and Edam (not pictured).   Normally, I wouldn’t have such an exciting assortment of cheese, but my friend's parents sent her some for her birthday!  That is good parenting right there.

What you do:
Preheat the oven to 400°.  Slice the bread into one-inch strips, lengthwise and widthwise (is that even a word?), being careful to not slice all the way through the bread. 

Spread the pesto in all the nooks and crannies and cover with shredded cheese!  
Wrap the prepared loaf in foil and bake for 10-12 minutes, or until cheese is melted.

Happy birthday to my dad and sister back home!  I miss you and love you guys!

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