Sunday, February 2, 2014

Hot Cocoa Roasted Almonds

Today is the Super Bowl.  Wait, what?  I’m not particularly invested in the NFL, so the Super Bowl always sneaks up on me.  The only time I usually even know who is playing is if my dad or brothers like one of the teams.   I’ll usually watch part of the game, but I rarely feel compelled to watch the entire thing.  

The best part about the Super Bowl, aside from the commercials, is the food!  These hot cocoa roasted almonds are the perfect snack to eat before, during, and after the game.

What you need:

1 C roasted almonds, unsalted or salted
1 TBS water
2 packets of hot cocoa mix

What you do:
Preheat the oven to 350°F.  Mix the almonds, water, and one package of hot cocoa mix in a Ziploc bag and shake until the almonds are covered. 

Pour the almonds onto a cookie sheet and bake for 8 minutes.  Nuts can burn really quickly, so make sure you watch them closely!

When my almonds came out of the oven, they were a little sticky, so I sprinkled another packet of hot cocoa over top.

I hope you have a great Super Bowl Sunday with your family and friends, and I hope your team wins!

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