Friday, March 14, 2014

Nutella Yogurt Dip

Spring break is finally here!  And spring break means warm weather, which means summer is approaching, which means I’m almost done with my first year of college.  Yikes!  Where did the time go?

I will be MIA next week because I’ll be in San Francisco completing an externship at the St. Regis hotel!  I don’t know a whole lot in terms of details, but I do know that I will be working in the food and beverage department and staying in a five-star hotel for the week.  What could be better, right?  I’m sure I will have lots of pictures and stories to share when I get back!

The inspiration behind this recipe is that I needed something that was quick to throw together and would be good for snacking on during packing breaks.   My mom never really bought Nutella much when I was home, but I have discovered a newfound love for it in college.  It's good to know that I am learning valuable things in college. 

Hooray for another two-ingredient recipe!
 What you need:

2 5.3 containers vanilla flavored Greek yogurt
¼-1/3 C Nutella
Pretzels, graham crackers, and/or strawberries for dipping

Look at that.  A brand new jar of Nutella.  That is pure bliss if I ever saw it.

What you do:
Stir together the yogurt and Nutella until blended. 

Look at that, we're halfway done!

Serve with pretzels, graham crackers, or eat straight up with a spoon.  I may or may not be guilty of the last one.

  Right after you make this, the texture is better for dipping, but if you put it in the fridge for 30 minutes or so, it firms up like pudding.  Nutella pudding? Mmmmmmm. Happy spring!

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