Friday, April 25, 2014

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bites

The end of the year is RAPIDLY approaching.  There are only 2 WEEKS left!!  Where did the year go?  Didn’t I just start college?  Shouldn't I be preparing for midterms instead final exams?  Shouldn't I have months, not days, to do everything I wanted to do before the end of the year?

As the end of the year approaches, so does the intimidating task of packing my entire room and moving out.  Oooohhhhh man.  That will be quite the project.  Where do I even start?

Well I decided to start with my snack drawer.  In an attempt to clean it out, today we’re making peanut butter oatmeal bites!

What you need:
1 ½ C Old fashioned oats
1/3 C Honey
1/3 C Peanut butter (I used the dehydrated kind, so I had to add the appropriate amount of water)
2 Tbs each raisins, chocolate chips
Other mix ins: shredded coconut, rice krispies, crushed pretzels (I didn’t think of this until after I had mixed the ingredients, so that’s why they’re not pictured!)

What you do:

Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl. If you choose to add other mix ins, start with 1/3 C of each and then play with the proportions depending on the texture (i.e. is the batter too thick? Too dry?).  Scoop into 1inch balls and let harden in the freezer for 15-20 minutes.

Now if only packing up the rest of my room was this easy and delicious…


  1. These look great... and easy! My husband will love these. :)

  2. These look scrumptious! Make me some! :)
