Thursday, January 16, 2014

Peanut Butter Kettle Corn

I discovered something really exciting in August that I neglected to tell you about.  I’m sorry.    The reason I didn’t tell you about it was because I never really had a reason to…until now.  What is this really exciting but slightly irrelevant thing?  Dehydrated peanut butter.
Ok that was unnecessarily dramatic.  Anyways, my mom bought this for me in August before I went off to school because 1) it is really lightweight, which makes it good for travelling and 2) have you ever heard of dehydrated peanut butter? I certainly hadn’t.  It was intriguing, to say the least.  It’s like normal peanut butter, but all of the oil is sucked out of it, leaving you with a powder.  All you do is add water, and voila!  You have peanut butter. 
For this recipe, I used only the powder.  If you wanted more of a peanut butter taste, you could melt peanut butter chips and drizzle it on top.  And if you wanted to get even crazier, you could melt chocolate chips as well.  Chocolate peanut butter popcorn?  That’s three of my favorite foods in one snack.  Can you tell it’s almost my dinner time?

What you need:

1 bag of your favorite kettle corn
1 ½-2 Tbs dehydrated peanut butter

What you do:

Pop the popcorn according to the directions on the bag.  Pour into a large serving bowl.  While the popcorn is still warm, sprinkle the peanut butter powder on top and stir. 

If you do decide to include peanut butter chips, spread the prepared popcorn out on a cookie sheet before drizzling the chips evenly over top.  Let the chips harden before serving.

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