Saturday, December 14, 2013

Greek Yogurt Pancakes

It was always a special day in my house when my mom would make breakfast.  Most mornings, everyone is hurrying to get out the door and we don’t have time to sit down and eat together.  And on the days that we potentially do have the time, we wake up at different times and trying to have breakfast together proves to be futile. 

But when we did have breakfast, we would eat pancakes.  Jumpstarting this recipe with Bisquick mix (you probably have some leftover from this recipe) makes it really easy and dorm-friendly.  The Greek yogurt adds a great flavor and makes the pancakes really light and fluffy.

What you need:

2 5.3 oz Containers vanilla Greek yogurt
5-6 Tbs Milk
1 Tsp vanilla extract
2 Eggs
2 C Bisquick
Maple syrup, butter, and/or jelly for serving

What you do:
Heat a griddle on the stove over medium heat.  Whisk the first four ingredients together in a large bowl then add the Bisquick.  Scoop out the batter using a ¼ measuring cup and place onto the griddle.  Flip the pancakes when you see the pancakes bubbling slightly on the top and pulling up around the edges.    

 Flipping pancakes has never been my forte in life, so I ended up with a lot of funny shaped ones.

But at least the funny shaped pancakes still taste good, right?

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