Friday, November 15, 2013

Bagel Pizzas

This recipe is embarrassingly simple. 

Like, I don’t know if it even counts as a recipe.  I didn’t even have to go to Walmart to buy ingredients.  Something easy and doesn’t require a trip to Walmart?  I’m all over that.

It’s starting to get cold.  And I don’t mean Arizona definition of cold.  We had our first snow this week and I walked to class in 18 degree weather.  Thankfully, I’ve actually found the cold to be tolerable.  Granted, it has only been a couple of weeks.  My opinion will probably change come January and February! 

For whatever reason, hot, thick crust, super cheesy pizza is one of my favorite foods to eat on cold days.  This recipe is an easy alternative for those times when you don’t want to order takeout.

What you need:

4 bagel halves
1/3 C pizza sauce, although it’s not an exact science.  You want to use enough so the    pizza isn’t dry.
1/3 C mozzarella cheese
            Note:  Shredded cheese would be ideal for this recipe, but string cheese can be substituted in a               pinch.  They have string cheese at On-the-Go, and because I’m super cheap, I decided to get it.        There’s something to be said about resourcefulness, right?
Toppings of your choice.  I decided to go with ham and pineapple.

What you do:
Preheat the oven to 350°F.

Spread the pizza sauce on the bagel halves.  You can leave a little rim around the edge to get that delicious crunchy crust.

Sprinkle on the cheese-the more the better!  Again, shredded cheese is best, but only because I find that it melts better.

Add any additional toppings you’d like.  Make it how you want!  You’re the boss here.

Place the bagels on an ungreased tray and pop them in the oven.  Bake for 10-15 minutes, or until the cheese is golden brown.

Or, if you’re feeling really hungry, you can microwave the pizzas for 30-45 seconds, or until the cheese is melted.

Ssssoooooo cheesy.

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