Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Candy Corn Mix

It’s finally fall.  Or should I say winter?  Lately it’s been 40 degrees and raining, and we could possible get snow later this week!  Since when is October considered winter?  In Arizona, October is still 80 degrees and sunny.  I just want things to slow down so I can enjoy the beautiful leaves, the fresh apples, and pumpkin spice lattes, you know? 

Anyways, here's a snack mix to help capture the flavors of fall before it slips through our fingers all too fast. 

Here’s what I used:

1 22 oz. bag of candy corn, pumpkins, or mixture of the two
2 c crushed pretzels
1 c salted peanuts
2 packages of m&m’s
1 package of Reese’s cups
1 c raisins, optional

Mix everything together in one big bowl.  If you feel like you need more of less of one ingredient, go for it! I trust your judgment.  

 I love this snack mix because it's a perfect balance of salty and sweet.  Feel free to change it up to fit your own personal preferences!  I would highly recommend adding caramel corn.

I hope fall is lasting longer where you live!

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