Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What is On-the-Go?

You've probably been asking yourself, "what exactly is On-the-Go?"

I’ve mentioned it briefly before in this post, but in case you missed it, here’s a more thorough explanation.

We have 5 dining courts and 3 On-the-Go locations around campus in addition to some restaurants and a couple mini marts.  On-the-Go is an option where students can use their meal swipes to get food if they don’t have time to eat in the dining courts, or to use up extra swipes at the end of the week.  I primarily use it for the latter, and so I stock up on cereal, milk, chips, and Uncrustables.  Do you guys remember Uncrustables?  They are those round peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that have absolutely no nutritional value, but are delicious.  They were one of those foods I loved as a child but was seldom allowed to have.  But now that I’m in college, well…

I love On-the-Go because I am able to pick up extra snacks for myself and ingredients for my recipes without going to the store.  Hooray for convenience!

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